1. Overview

We are providing an after-school program for school-age children interested in learning Chinese as a secondary language for the future. It provides kids multi-level Chinese lessons as well as other enrichment classes and activities that are fun, practical, and learningful. It is critical for young children to continue learning Chinese and participate social activities during the post-COVID period of time.

2. Program and Schedule

3. Curriculum of Chinese Class

In our after school program, Chinese class is provided for young children who are interested in learning Chinese as a second language. It gives children the invaluable experience of learning about the culture of the language in a natural setting with native Chinese speakers. No prior exposure to Chinese is necessary; it is designed for English-speaking and Mandarin-speaking students to develop communication and literacy skills in both languages. Students from homes with other languages are also welcome to participate.

Entry-level Chinese Class
The focus is on listening. The teacher conducts all instruction and conversational dialogue in Chinese. The special tones and enunciation of Chinese is emphasized in this level of language learning. We start to teach reading and writing the simplified characters. Students will enjoy the drawing and artistic nature of writing. Stroke order and stroke names are taught to instill correct formation and importance of the characters.

Intermediate Chinese Class
The instruction on Chinese increases with an emphasis on developing more complex vocabulary with fluent and correct pronunciation. Students read and write paragraphs and shorts essays in both languages. At this level, students learn multiple characters a week that are used in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Pinyin is introduced at this level.

Advanced Chinese Class:
Students will refine their oral language fluency by participating in classroom plays, reciting poetry and performances in Chinese. Students craft both narrative and informational pieces of writing in Chinese, and continue to develop rich, high level content language in the social and cultural areas of the language.

4. Tuition & Registration